Fieldwork is a place for artists to learn about their work, develop their ability to give feedback, and build a community of artistic peers
Fieldwork is for creators, solo performing artists, writers, composers, choreographers, playwrights, multidisciplinary artists, poets, vocalists, and more. Honed by artists around the world for 30 years, Fieldwork has been an incubating space for DMV-based artists for 20+ years and continues to be a powerful tool in the creative process. The Field/DC is a member of the international Fieldwork Network.
what is fieldwork?
Fieldwork supports the development of new work without the pressures of producing a finished product all alone. The Fieldwork feedback method creates a safe space for the artist to take risks and leaves room to fail. Artists are drawn to Fieldwork because of the built in weekly deadline and the structure that it provides for the creative process. Since the workshop brings together artists of all disciplines, participants learn how their work is reading from many different perspectives and develop the language for discussing work across all artistic genres.
Participants meet weekly to share works-in-progress and exchange objective, non-directorial, artist-to-artist feedback in a studio setting, guided by an experienced peer-facilitator. The session culminates with an opportunity for participants to share work in an informal showing.
Fieldwork is a place for artists to learn about their work, develop their ability to give feedback, and build a community of artistic peers. It supports the development of new artistic work without the pressures of producing a finished product. The Fieldwork feedback method creates a moderated space for artists of all disciplines to take risks— and celebrates perceived “failure” as an exciting part of the process.
how do i get involved?
The Field/DC typically hosts 1-2 sessions a year. See below for upcoming sessions. And email to join our mailing list!